Exciting arrivals!!!

A very exciting delivery came today… #rehabtime #healthyhorses #therapy #newsponsor Westville Therapy. I have been borrowing a Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy unit for my broken arm and subsequently my sore back…! The difference I have found has blown me away!!! So I decided to invest in a full therapy/ rehab set to share with my horses… PMFT and Laser Therapy… Even more excitingly Westville Therapy have decided to support me, and I welcome them to the team with open arms. We put our bodies and our horses bodies through the mill doing what we do- and I try to support my horses healthy bodies any way I can!!! I look forward to seeing the good results!!

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  • Fiona Davidson
    Eventer / Trainer

    I have ridden horses all my life, and our base is now Vale View Equestrian in Leicestershire, with facilities that are out of this world for producing my lovely horses, and the results are shining through right across the board, showing my horses are settled, happy, and able to work every aspect of their competition needs! Read more...

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    Aiden Ward
    First Rider
    Bryonie Ellis
    Head Girl
    Amelia Simpson
    Yard Manager