Day of first timers for Aston Novice day

Two more ‘first timers’ at Aston today… In the form of Evie, my gorgeous and excitingly athletic homebred, doing her first Novice!! And my first event ever with new boy Joe! Evie did me proud, feeling very capable at her step up, even if she did make a baby mistake on her learning curve- I was so excited at her long term prospects and the wonderful feel she gave me! 

Joe was THRILLED to be at a party again after a time out of competition between jockeys, and I have to say, I’m also thrilled half of him belongs to me… He’s SERIOUSLY classy!! He chatted away to himself all day as he was so excited to be partying, and we earnt our first placing together- hopefully of many! A competitive 30 dressage put us in 6th place after rolling one in the show jumping… Two more exciting team members to keep an eye on!!!

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  • Fiona Davidson
    Eventer / Trainer

    I have ridden horses all my life, and our base is now Vale View Equestrian in Leicestershire, with facilities that are out of this world for producing my lovely horses, and the results are shining through right across the board, showing my horses are settled, happy, and able to work every aspect of their competition needs! Read more...

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    Aiden Ward
    First Rider
    Bryonie Ellis
    Head Girl
    Amelia Simpson
    Yard Manager