One lovely thing about @gatcombeparkhorsetrials is the big screen… Well it would be if you weren’t following the leader! Here’s a little video footage on my Smokin Machine for those of you that are interested in following him. What a stunning couple of days we’ve had to finish 7th at the Intermediate Championships with a 32 double clear. @spaldinginternationalsaddlery @franklinbillard @collegiatebridles @equImaging @sambrownbelts #flyingwithoutwings #putyourbuttinthebest
- Fiona DavidsonEventer / Trainer
I have ridden horses all my life, and our base is now Vale View Equestrian in Leicestershire, with facilities that are out of this world for producing my lovely horses, and the results are shining through right across the board, showing my horses are settled, happy, and able to work every aspect of their competition needs! Read more...
Aiden WardFirst RiderBryonie EllisHead GirlAmelia SimpsonYard Manager